Interzegg AG is also a supplier of various heating fuels such as fuel oil and pellets. We are glad to advise you and make an offer.
Samnaun has a price advantage, which is only to be found in a few destinations after the abolition of duty-free shopping in the EU. Samnaun is the only duty-free area in Switzerland and locates the highest shopping street in Europe. So visitors can experience a fascinating landscape and enjoy winter sports in the largest ski area in the Eastern Alps Ischgl / Samnaun, but can also shop at excellent and unique conditions.
We offer in our shop a wide selection of interesting duty-free products such as a large assortment of Swiss chocolates, dried meat, bacon, sausages and numerous spirits, wines, champagne, liqueurs, Souveniers, cigarettes, tobacco, magazines, newspapers u.v.m. Even butter and sugar (10 kilo and 25 kilo bags) can be found in our well-stocked shop.
Please see our most interesting offers!
We accept cash CHF and EURO as well as the following methods of payment: Shell Card, MasterCard, Visa, Amex, Diners, EC-Card. Immediately electronically DKV and UTA.
Clis Center
+41 (0)81 861 8100